展覽地點:澳洲墨爾本皇家植物園 維多利亞國家標本室 領地之屋
社區菜園交換日:2008.11.29 (六) 早上11點 -下午5點
Exhibition Description:
Taiwanese artist in residence at the National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Su-chen Hsu, in collaboration with Taiwanese eco-architect Lu Chien-ming, presents the result of their research into plants that thrive in adverse environments in Taiwan:
(1) "Successful Beachheads": Beach Plants in Shihmen Township on Taiwan's North Coast
(2) "Urban Residents": Plants found in Adverse Urban Environments in Metropolitan Taipei
(3) "Internal Migrants": Riverbank Vegetable Garden Plants in Da-lu-an Village
The plants are presented in the form of digital prints, and offered to the visiting public in exchange for vegetables, particularly those grown in Melbourne’s community gardens. Each of the vegetable/print swaps will be documented and exhibited in Domain House, illustrating the manner in which various community groups use their gardens to relate to food culturally and socially, and the relative safety of these home-grown plants produced in an urban environment in light of the recent milk product scare in China.
An Asialink/ Taipei Artist Village project supported by Taipei Culture Foundation and The Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.