2001-2002 壓克力圓球127顆(每顆直徑23公分)、照片,魚線 L:550 x W:450 x H:260 cm
127 acrylic balls (each ball is 23 cm in diameter), photos, fishing line, L:550 x W:450 x H:260 cm


Every purely biological chain incident has a corresponding gene, and hereditary signaling has always been the most powerful yet unseen biological mechanism. The process of mixing the mother's and father's chromosomes leads to genetic recombination, which is the first gift that children receive from their parents.

This work includes many genetic characteristics of two children and myself, including behavioral characteristics and visible appearance (eyes, nose, curled tongue, earlobes, thumb with a bent first joint, toenails, naval, scars, and curly hair), and also many invisible characteristics (microscopic images of blood and red blood cells, electron micrographs of sex-linked chromosomes). I use images of the same parts of the children and myself, or of two children, to illustrate these characteristics. Each pair of images is attached to the front and rear of a transparent acrylic ball, showing that the features are sometimes very similar, and sometimes quite different.

This expresses that genes are like messages and passwords scattered throughout an ocean, carrying information about the features of life.

參展紀錄 Recording of display

2002 「後解嚴時代的高雄藝術」,高雄市立美術館,台灣

2014 「許淑真紀念展」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣

2002 Art in Kaohsiung after the Lifting of Martial Law, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

2014 Commemorative Exhibition of Hsu Su-chen, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

典藏紀錄 Works in Collections


Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan

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