無限度 第8屆台新藝術奬入圍展
8th Taishin Arts Award Exhibition
Date: Apr. 24, 2010~ Jun. 6, 2010
Location: Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
而他們整個行動是極企圖的,他們期待在台灣的中產品味之外,建構另一種品味體系,與阿美族群結合,使這個企圖更落實在實土環境中。 許淑真、盧建銘和原住民部落合作,謹守藝術家本份的參與,在阿美族傳統文化和藝術家角色中,他們也建立了漢人參與原民社會的一種模式。這個展覽也解決了台灣藝術上「本土、國際」的長期議題,這個完全「本土」的展覽,是自然的存在當下的國際脈絡的,就此,也可望為台灣藝術界的國際想像,表達另一種可能。
(本文摘自踢怕怕反美白藝術網 http://www.jslee.tw/)
Jury’s Comment for the 8th Annual Visual Arts Award Winner
Plant-Matter NeoEden: Born in a Vegetable Patch & Material World in the Amis Tribe of Riverbank
Text: Lee Jiun-shyan
The project brings up abundant issues for the art community in Taiwan. As artists, Hsu and Lu continue to get involved in the society and have combed every aspects of their involvement in forms of art. This form, definitely, gives a new definition to the roles Taiwan artists play.
The whole activity of theirs, however, is very ambitious, and they want to construct a new system of “taste” that is different form the mainstream middle-class taste in Taiwan; this new system can be integrated with Amis people and realize their ambition in the actual environment.
While cooperating with an indigenous village, Hsu and Lu keep fulfilling their duties as artists. They have also established a model for Han people to be able to participate in indigenous society with the roles they are playing in Amis traditional culture as artists.
The exhibition also provides a solution for a long-discussed issue of Taiwan art, which is “Local vs. International”. This “local” exhibition can actually be presented in the current international context naturally. Therefore, a new possibility for Taiwan art’s international imagination is emerged.
(The text from http://www.jslee.tw/)