
Performance/artwork genre: Performance art
Artists: Su-chen Hsu + Chien-ming Lu
Performers: Su-chen Hsu, Chien-ming Lu, Sa’owac Village, Insurance agents of Taishin Financial Holdings
Media: Digital images, fast-labor house-building performance. Live performance.
Length: 25 minutes; 2 hours


Participated art festival: Tsai Jui-Yueh Dance Festival: Back to Nature, Our Home
Dates: November 5 to November 9, 2010
Opening date: November 5, 2010
Venue: Tasi Jui-yueh Dance Research Institute, Taipei
Organizer: Tasi Jui-yueh Dance Foundation


盧梭的民約論(Du Contrat Social,社會契約)啟發了法國大革命時的人民,瞭解廢除了君權神授的貴族/教廷之後,可以建立取代他們的共和國(la République),掌管國家的眾官僚們,政治權能來自於人權天賦的眾人,這就是社會契約的基礎及精神。砍去兩千多個頭顱之後,並不是要換上另一批人頭而已,而是要從人民中,建立具有自由平等博愛的社會。
當代社會中的許多人,生命中有越來越多的壓迫,竟然常常源自於國家社會。特別是國家幾乎全面的接收了社會結構,將之納入到國家主義當中,使得原有多樣多元的社區/社群(la commune)社會性涵構(contexture),漸漸崩解粉碎。

The Contemporary Concept of Social Contract and Artist Statement

Rousseau’s Du Contrat Social (The Social Contract) inspired the people of the French Revolution, allowed them to understand that the people could realize the Republic (la République) to replace the abolished aristocrats and the Church, who once ruled with the divine rights of kings. The fact that the political power of the bureaucracy came from the people, who possessed the natural rights, was the basis and spirit of the social contract. After the beheading of over two thousands people, the society did not seek another group of people to replace the deceased, but to establish a society of freedom, equality and liberty with the people.
However, after such vision has functioned more than two centuries later, one could see that the bureaucratic nation is still forming a close relation with part of the social power, and in the name of the majority, has betrayed the ethics inherent in establishing the social contract. The reason is that, comparing to the insignificance of each individual, the nation and the majority seems incredibly massive. Developing until today, nations that have assimilated global capitalist systems have already incorporated all existing material and non-material cultures into the system of capitalism.
Many people in contemporary society have begun to feel that more and more different forms of oppression in life actually often originate from the national society, especially when the nation almost fully absorbed the social structure and incorporated it into its nationalism, rendering the previously existent diverse contexture of the community (la commune) gradually disintegrated and perished.
As of today, even the right to housing, which should have been a basic right to life, has become the most oppressive instrument in life. Because of seeing how the Sa’owac village could rebuild their home with the power of social support and their traditional culture to co-build houses even under the double oppression of the society and the nation, we would call upon people who play different roles in the social structure to build a home together. We would exercise the possible imagination of reconstructing the contemporary social contract.

©盧建銘 許淑真 2012

A DVD related to the artwork—
Returning to “Building Homes”: Realizing a Social Contract
Photography and videography: Su-chen Hsu
Post-editing: Fei-jen Lin
Post-production instruction: Su-chen Hsu
© Chien-ming Lu, Su-chen Hsu 2012