2012 文創商品三款(地圖120公分版、198公分裱框版、多功能魔術頭巾)手繪、數位後製、照片、布
Three items of cultural creative merchandise. (Map 120cm Edition, 198cm Framed Edition, Multi-functional Headscarf)Hand-painted, Digital Retouching, Photo, Cloth
我們到底要接受島嶼多少世代的恩惠和威嚇,流在我們身上,無論是濃是薄的南島血液,才會被喚醒。什麼時候? 我們才願意卸下偽裝成征服者的面具,向高山獻上我們對島域最高的崇敬。跟隨著原住民族,讓自己的精神發源於聖山,靈魂回歸到聖山。(文/盧建銘)
Let the High Mountains Awaken Austronesian Voices in our Blood
Only 400 years ago, the island of Taiwan was entirely occupied by Austronesian peoples. During the daytime and nighttime, the mountains, streams, lakes, forests, and ocean waters echoed with Austronesian voices. After inhabiting the island for countless millennia, the indigenous inhabitants were deeply aware of the kindness and majesty of the land, and consecrated the holiness of their place of origin to the lofty mountains, so that future generations would remember their ancestral home on this island when they paid reverence to the sacred mountains. The holy mountains where their ancestors had first appeared also formed a place of return for subsequent generations of tribespeople.
Throughout 400 years of rule and occupation by the Spanish, Dutch, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Japan, and Republic of China, Taiwan has sometimes served as a trading port for the maritime powers, sometimes as a place of refuge for defeated factions, and sometimes as a base for military advances or counterattacks. The serfs, soldiers, and immigrants who arrived in Taiwan from many places had left their homelands far behind, perhaps to escape war or find a paradise. But the subsequent generations all those who settled here would ultimately have Austronesian blood mixed in their veins.
How many generations of kindness and intimidation must we receive from this island? The Austronesian blood flowing in our veins, no matter whether concentrated or dilute, has only now been awakened. When? Only now have we dropped our mask as conquerors and offered the mountains our utmost veneration for this island. Following in the footsteps of the indigenous peoples, we will make the sacred mountains our spiritual homeland, and take them as the place of returning of our souls.(Text/ Lu Chien-Ming)
版權所有:許淑真 2012
Artist/ Painted:Hsu Su-Chen
Original Size:180×90 cm
Material used:Construction plywood, pencil, acrylic paint
Studied:Lu Chien-Ming & Hsu Su-Chen
Digital Collaborated:Lin Fei-jen & Chen Dave
Published : Taiouan. Shop
Made in Taiwan
Copyright © 2012 by Hsu Su-Chen