2003 單槍投影機、擴大機、揚聲器、DVD Player 570x1050x240 cm
Projector, amplifier, speakers, DVD player, 570x1050x240 cm

「4.48 Psychosis」是英國劇作家莎拉.肯(Sarah Kane,1971-1999)的最後遺作,劇名4點48分是影射在黎明前尚未清醒之際,意識模糊的最終零界點,而這個零界點也陳述了人處於虛實之間界線的崩解與真偽之間的消融。 作品中使用了三面牆的四個影像,畫面採用在極度放大的身體皮膚,以及子宮頸抹片的細胞在顯微鏡下的動態影像。在影像的投射與再攝製與再投影,而聲音採用多方位的互異處理中,產生了虛虛實實的交疊,共奏出帶有煽動、顫慄、瞻望的祭禮,以及混合著詩性與殘忍的慾望場景。

This work consists of four images on three walls. The moving images show highly-enlarged microscopic views of cells from the skin and cervical smears. The images are projected, re-recorded, and re-projected. The mutually-contrasting sound from multiple sources produces a sense of overlapping reality and illusion. A fluttering, shuddering, and gazing ritual thus created, mixed with scenes of poetry and cruel desires.

參展紀錄 Recording of display

2003 「告密」許淑真個展,福華沙龍,高雄,台灣

2003 "Confess" Hsu Su-chen Solo Exhibition, Howard Salon, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

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